
I am a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Psychology and Speech Pathology at Curtin University. I am a member of the Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Research Group and the Brain Behaviour and Mental Health Research Group. I am also a Research Associate in the Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention, University of Oxford, where I have an ongoing collaboration with Prof Lucie Cluver on projects examining the impacts of familial HIV/AIDS on psychosocial outcomes for South African children.

My research interests span the domains of health, developmental, and clinical psychology, with the overarching aim of understanding how both individual difference, as well as social and community-related variables are related to psychological, social, educational, and health-related outcomes across the life-span. I am particularly interested in individual differences in cognitive and self-regulatory processes (such as appraisal, coping, and emotion regulation) and their potential links with emotional vulnerability.

I am an Academic Editor at PeerJ and an Editorial Board Member at Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies.

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