Mzantsi Wakho – PATA Writing Workshop
The Mzantsi Wakho team, a project housed with the AIDS and Society Research Unit, held a workshop with Paediatric-Adolesent Treatment for Africa, on 22 – 24 January 2018. The workshop focused on data analyses, dissemination, and capacity-building among researchers. programmers and policy-makers. As a result of this intensive collaboration, the group drafted two abstracts for the forthcoming International AIDS Society conference (Amsterdam, July 2018) based on PATA clinic-level data from n=282 health facilities providing care to children and adolescents in 23 sub-Saharan African countries.
The Mzantsi Wakho team, a project housed with the AIDS and Society Research Unit, held a workshop with Paediatric-Adolesent Treatment for Africa, on 22 – 24 January 2018. The workshop focused on data analyses, dissemination, and capacity-building among researchers. programmers and policy-makers. As a result of this intensive collaboration, the group drafted two abstracts for the forthcoming International AIDS Society conference (Amsterdam, July 2018) based on PATA clinic-level data from n=282 health facilities providing care to children and adolescents in 23 sub-Saharan African countries.